तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ||
मृत्योर् मा अमृतं गमय |"
Our college has rich traditions of anglo-vedic academic culture. Guided by the spirit of 'tamso ma jyotirgamaya' (तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय), the college is committed to dispell the ignorance (Avidya (अविद्या)) by providing knowledge (Vidya realization and acquisition of true knowledge). With a view to make our society an intellectually formidable power-house by creating a cadre of motivated and prospective teachers, D.A.V College of Education believes in providing value and need-based education.
Our stress is on preparing our youth in such a way that they not just contented with their own welfare alone, but should regard their prosperity in the common welfare of all. We, at D.A.V College of Education believe in holistic development of youth and are committed to up-dated knowledge with highly qualified and skilled work force and state-of-art infrastructure.
Our institution is providing that education by which our future teachers not only discover their own ignorance, but can help our youth from the various schools to change the society in a progressive way as we believe in ‘what a teacher is more important than what he teaches’. We are fulfilling the purpose of education by replacing the empty minds with opened ones.

Our Vision
To transform and transfigure the teacher trainees as empowered teachers who engage in teaching as a service and sacrifice to save the learners from the darkness of evil and lead towards the light of wisdom, become conscientiousness and synthesize latest technology with value education.
Our Mission
To produce reflective teachers with the potential for professional leadership who demonstrate academic and professional excellence, have strong sense of spiritual and personal well-being, scientific temperament, socially responsible, have a commitment to education and life-long learning, demonstrate world citizenship ("Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम ") have patriotic spirit and are committed to profession.